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HashRate 2.0: Your Gateway to Build, Earn, and Grow with Bitcoin

HashRate 2.0: Your Gateway to Build, Earn, and Grow with Bitcoin

HashRate: A simple yet complicated word that encompasses all the efforts of a mining farm into simple digits. Beautiful, isn’t it?

One of the benefits of having this number is that it makes it easy to compare the power of different BTC mining devices or farms. It is also a measure of how much BTC one may be able to produce and capitalize on. This, of course, is very much dependent on that little “chance” factor we have in BTC mining.

But this is not all there is! In Today’s mining world, the BTC hashrate is much more than what it used to represent. It offers opportunities for enthusiastic individuals, startups, SMEs, and literally anyone who wants to join the BTC network either for supporting its growth or capitalizing from it, or simply both.

But how?

To answer, we would need to first talk a bit about the BTC network and learn how it works. In a series of articles, I will start to break down the fundamental concepts of the Bitcoin Network, Mining Operations, Mining Sites and Farms, Mining Pools, and much more to pave the way for learning more about HashRate 2.0.

Stay tuned for the first article in this series!

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